Here's What The Customers Are saying...
Nebraska Hoist & Crane constantly assesses whether we're doing a good job of keeping our valued customers happy. We would appreciate any comments that you have so we know what we are doing right and have the opportunity to change what we are doing wrong. You can do this by typing your comment in the Contact Us page or you are welcome to call us at any time.
This Customer Review page is a work in progress for us and we will be adding Customer Comments going forward. However, we have received a special thank you from the Superintendent of the Department of Public Works, for a project we did for the City of Lincoln, NE, that we would like to share with you. Click the following link to read the letter: City of Lincoln Letter...
This Customer Review page is a work in progress for us and we will be adding Customer Comments going forward. However, we have received a special thank you from the Superintendent of the Department of Public Works, for a project we did for the City of Lincoln, NE, that we would like to share with you. Click the following link to read the letter: City of Lincoln Letter...
Your Next Step...
NEVER make a mistake when you need ANY kind of Electrification, Lift Repair, Parts, Training, Certification, Inspection or Design! Call us at (402) 614-8011 or visit our Contact Us Page. We can help!
NEVER make a mistake when you need ANY kind of Electrification, Lift Repair, Parts, Training, Certification, Inspection or Design! Call us at (402) 614-8011 or visit our Contact Us Page. We can help!